Public Speaking
ISOC presentation training empowers professionals as confident public speakers
Public speaking is fundamental to success in professional and public life. ISOC presentation training and coaching programmes help people create simple, clear and compelling presentations and speak engagingly in public.
Whatever the situation -- you can feel inspired to speak out with confidence, authority and impact.
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What to expect
You’ll spend a stimulating session in the company of an inspirational public speaking coach.
You will learn to see yourself as others see you, and hear yourself as others hear you.
You will build presence, authority and a new-found ability to captivate an audience.
ISOC presentation training is rigorously designed, drawing on perspectives from psychology, linguistics, sociology, physiology, rhetoric, communication theory and theatre as well as practical experience. That’s why it works. You will see, hear and feel the difference.
ISOC presentation training is also practical, inspiring and fun! Many people find public speaking to be a daunting challenge. Luckily, our sessions are always full of smiles and laughter, because we all learn best when we feel relaxed and perform best when we feel confident.
You can join a public group presentation training course live online for an interactive session including simulated presentations, recorded and replayed for on-the-spot individual coaching.
If you're looking to train a senior executive or group of spokespeople, a tailored in-house programme is the way to go. We can deliver this live online from the ISOC studios, or face to face at your location.
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Three simple tricks to build authority in public speaking -- without saying a word.
How to join ISOC public speaking training
Global brands trust ISOC for communication training

Public speaking skills and topics

- Understand the mechanics and physiology of breathing and vocalisation
- Project your voice more powerfully for greater authority
- Improve your vocal tone, pace, clarity, quality and enunciation
- Prepare your voice for public speaking with practical drills and warm-up exercises

- Master your own body language through self-awareness
- Build physical presence and confidence
- Signal authority through your stance and posture
- Use movement and gesture effectively to make your point

- Prepare a presentation by selecting effective messages, topics and themes
- Analyse the audience and occasion to develop targeted positioning
- Power up your language and rhetoric to win attention, interest and memory
- Explain complex ideas so that everyone will understand, care and respond

- Organise what you have to say with a clear and coherent structure
- Make your information easier to absorb using narrative, framing and focus techniques
- Open and close your presentation with a memorable introduction and conclusion
- Illustrate your ideas effectively with visual aids such as PowerPoint

- Connect with your audience through meaningful interaction
- Involve, reference and consult your audience to link them to you and your topic
- Break the ice at the beginning, call to action at the end
- Handle difficult questions professionally

- Speak in public with new-found confidence and presence
- Deliver much more influential, memorable and convincing presentations and speeches
- Overcome the effects of nervousness, stress and fear of public speaking
- Practicalities: speaking notes, slides, timing, microphones, autocues, webinars, etc.
ISOC helps all kinds of people to build better professional communication skills: CEOs, special needs teachers, ambassadors, human rights lawyers, billionaires, Ministers, athletes, United Nations officials.
We train everyone from Prime Ministers to rocket scientists.
Public speaking training methodology
Presence: voice and body language
You’ll learn about vocal projection, pace, breathing, stance, posture, gesture and movement.
How it works: We’ll power up your presence using practical vocal drills, breathing exercises and body language warm-ups.

Structure: content and storytelling frameworks
You’ll learn about preparation, organisation, narrative, framing, messaging and visual aids (including PowerPoint).
How it works: We’ll deepen your knowledge using concise briefings on best practice, case study examples, practical tips and rules for what works.

Engagement: interaction and connection
You’ll learn how to connect and interact with your audience, secure and maintain their attention, interest and respect, and manage questions.
How it works: We’ll empower your interpersonal skills using role-play exercises and structured discussions.

Energy: dynamic performance and delivery
You’ll learn to deliver presentations with greater confidence, authority and impact.
How it works: We’ll support you through practice presentations on your own subjects of knowledge. Then we’ll use video replay with constructive and practical personal coaching to identify your own individual learning points.

Private group courses
Customised group courses enable teams of people from the same organisation to join presentation training together for public speaking skills.
Private group courses share the same rigorous theory base and inspiring methodology as all ISOC public speaking programmes. Training is based around four dimensions:
- Voice and body
- Content and structure
- Audience engagement
- Quality of execution
Sessions comprise voice drills, and body language exercises, best practice briefings, discussions and role-plays. In the centrepiece, participants practice delivering work-related presentations which are videotaped and replayed for trainer-led coaching and practical, constructive feedback.
Tailor-made courses are a good solution because they let focus the session tightly around your particular needs. Private courses let you practice sensitive or confidential material, and also work well as a team-building exercise.
We will work with you in advance to determine exactly what your people need from the session, then draw up a customised programme to meet the required learning goals. We will build workshops that are directly relevant to your organisation, your people and the types of presentation that are most relevant for them in terms of content, audience and style.
Training can be delivered either at your offices, or at another location if more convenient.
One-on-one coaching
Presentation coaching is important for high-profile individuals because they face particularly demanding expectations when it comes to public speaking.
Senior figures are expected to be highly articulate, passionate and effective presenters. They must also perform in highly public environments, with special challenges including the need to handle hostile and difficult questions after speeches.
We understand these needs and have a strong track record of one-on-one coaching with chief executives, ministers, ambassadors, sports stars, royalty and other highly visible individuals. Our trainers operate at the highest level and can be relied upon to deliver results that endure in public performance.
We regularly deliver private presentation coaching for all kinds of clients in all kinds of situations including:
- Politicians preparing for election rallies
- Companies preparing for venture capital pitches
- Investment bankers preparing technical presentations
- Government ministers
- Celebrities and sports stars
- Spokespeople preparing for news conferences
- Team-building sessions for groups of consultants
Consulting support for strategic presentations
ISOC presentation experts can lighten the load and optimise content for those presentations that really matter.
Important and technical presentations are tough to develop. Presenters need to explain complex ideas in a clear and simple way. They must weave together clear messaging with persuasive arguments. They need to build a logical structure with a coherent narrative, backed up by slick and professional visual aids. All of this can be challenging to achieve in-house, particularly against a deadline.
ISOC presentation experts can lighten the load and optimise content for those presentations that really matter.
We will advise and assist with:
- Strategic messages and positioning
- Overall structure and frameworking
- Templating and harmonising styles
- Integrating content from multiple teams
- Narrative and scripting
- Visual aids and imagery
- Information visualisation
- PowerPoint features (templates, transitions, animations etc)
For full collaboration projects we embed one or more specialist consultants or designers within the team developing the presentation. We can also take a light touch, giving early advice on the strategy and framework or weighing in at the end to polish up the visual aids.
ISOC presentation experts can also add value to rehearsals including:
- Performance coaching for presenters
- Live implementation of necessary changes to slides
Track record
ISOC experts have worked behind the scenes on high-stakes presentations including:

The successful launch of an interplanetary space mission

A successful pitch to a Head of State to approve a $20 billion infrastructure project

Two successful pitches for multi-billion dollar transportation projects
Request an instant proposal
Please use the form below to let us know a little more about your public speaking requirements. Whatever you're looking for, chances are we've worked on something similar before. Feel free to give as much or as little detail as you like. We'll take it from there!