

Presentation Training and Public Speaking

The flagship ISOC two-day presentation training course builds presence and impact in active workshops. You will learn voice and body language drills with an inspirational presentation coach. The course uses video playback and supportive feedback in a relaxed atmosphere.

This course is available face-to-face and in a shortened version live online.

  • Face to face (London) | Two days | £1,350 +VAT
  • Face to face (Dubai) | Two days | Media One Hotel | $1,590 +VAT
  • Live online (Zoom) | Two half-days | 10:00-14:00 London time | $795

Also available on request in US / Asia timezones.

This course runs in English. It is also available on request in Arabic, Dutch or French.

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Course outline

Public speaking is a skill best learned by doing. This course alternates between theory and practice: you will learn a new technique, then put it into action by standing up and presenting. It’s a positive reinforcement cycle between practice and feedback. It’s a great experience to feel yourself installing new skills and to see yourself growing in confidence and impact.

Each time you present, we will record and replay your performance for constructive, positive feedback and coaching so that you can internalise the learning and feel how much you have improved.

Your presentation

We will ask you to come prepared with some content that you will find useful to practice presenting. Having something relevant to speak about will help you to get the most out of the course. People focusing on business presentations usually bring a PowerPoint slide deck. People preparing for speeches may bring a script; for informal speaking or MC/hosting duties it might be just talking points.

Your subject matter doesn’t have to be polished or fully formed: a handful of slides or bullet-point notes is fine. Bite-size is best, because each speaking slot in the course is short, typically two to four minutes. If you would like to practice a longer piece, we’ll break it down and work section by section as the programme unfolds.

Voice and body language

This module covers how to enhance physical presence and maximise vocal impact.

  • Self-awareness and physical confidence
  • Movement and gesture
  • Posture and stance
  • Engagement and energy
  • Breathing and vocal projection

Content, framing and structuring

This module covers a step-by-step process to design ideas and slides for maximum impact.

  • Authority: how to position yourself as a subject matter expert
  • Clarity: how to order and explain ideas for optimal understanding
  • Visuals: how best to display words and images to complement your delivery
  • Proven techniques to appeal to your audience’s emotions
  • Storytelling techniques to capture your audience’s attention

Presenting online

This module covers how to have a positive impact in videoconferences, online presentations and webinars.

  • How to set up your space to look and sound your best
  • Mastering technology and interaction
  • Body language for online presentations
  • Adapting content and material to be engaging online

Handling questions

This module covers tools and techniques for handling Q&As as part of a presentation.

  • Preparing for questions in advance
  • How to handle interruptions
  • What to do if you don’t know the answer
  • Techniques to answer difficult questions
Download Course Outline PDF


Meet your trainers

Following are some of the ISOC trainers who regularly lead this course, depending whether you join us in London, Dubai or live online. 

Sarah Cocker

Sarah is a dynamic communicator with over 20 years' experience in media, finance and business. Her international experience in banking, and as one of CNBC's key anchors, makes her at ease dealing with leaders and experts from industry, government and academia. Her coaching experience includes training blue-chip executives in public speaking and techniques for challenging television interviews. Her international career has given her an understanding of the cultural and working practices in the Europe, Asia, the Middle East, North and South America.

Corrina Cross

Corrina is an international trainer, coach and facilitator specialising in improving communication, motivation and productivity in the workplace. She uses her knowledge, skills, experience and personality to inspire personal development and motivate teamwork. Corrina is a certified NLP Master Practitioner – a skill-set she uses to help clients define goals and eliminate beliefs that are holding them back. She is also a Facilitator of Inter-Cultural Awareness and a Behavioural Style Consultant, using DiSC profiling tools to identify people’s dominant tendencies and help them understand their own behavioural style and that of others. Corrina qualified with the UK Chartered Institute of Marketing and lived and worked in Australia, Egypt and Bahrain before settling in Dubai, where she managed a marketing agency for 15 years before moving into learning and development in 2011.

Adam Kirtley

Adam is a veteran presenter and reporter with more than 30 years' experience as a BBC journalist. He presents on BBC local and national and radio, including  Five Live business show Wake Up to Money and Radio Four's flagship consumer show You and Yours. He still reports for the BBC World Service, where he began his career. Adam has interviewed numerous bankers, finance ministers and CEOs during his BBC career, and for the last 15 years has used that experience to train executives in media interviews, crisis communication, public speaking, presentation skills and messaging. He is also an accomplished conference facilitator and workshop leader. Adam has worked across Europe, the Middle East, North America and Africa for organisations of all sizes, from multinational finance and pharmaceutical companies to governments and NGOs.

What you will learn

After this course you will be able to:

  • Feel confident delivering a presentation face to face and online
  • Speak in public with confidence and authority
  • Deliver more effective and convincing presentations
  • Overcome nerves and fear of public speaking
  • Project your voice to its fullest potential
  • Optimise your body language
  • Increase your awareness of how others see and hear you

Who should attend?

This is a universal course designed for learners at different levels and in a range of roles. Learning is pitched at a core level, designed to help you analyse core concepts and execute universal skills. This course is recommended for anyone who could perform better at public speaking.